Captured 6-8-2021
George Lake, Blue River Trails

Captured 6-8-2021
George Lake, Blue River Trails
Captured Akin Prairie - May 6, 2021
Our lovely prairie violet, growing on native prairie, and larval food source (i.e. food for caterpillars) of the Regal Fritillary Butterfly.
Around highway embankments near bridges and overpasses, you can often see masses of Crown Vetch - verdant green dotted with pink flowers. This perennial plant sends its stems trailing along the ground until the ascent upwards to the sun. Crown vetch has been planted along steep road cuts and embankments, as it does a really good job of holding soil into place, and its low growth form does not impede line of sight.
It is also a really pretty plant. However, Crown Vetch is not native to the US, and was brought over from Europe.
Captured June 4 2021, Kill Creek Park.
Found along the edge of the prairie at the park,
The inflorescence (a cluster of individual flowers), with typical pea family flowers.