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Alexander, H. M., Pilson, D., Moody-Weis, J. and Slade, N. A. 2009 Geographic variation in dynamics of an annual plant with a seed bank. Journal of Ecology 97 (6): 1390 – 1400.
Moody-Weis, J. M., Antonovics, J., Alexander, H. M., and Pilson, D. 2008. Predicting local colonization and extinction dynamics from coarser-scale surveys. Ecography 31: 61 - 72.
Moody-Weis, J. M. and Alexander, H. The mechanisms and consequences of seed bank formation in wild sunflowers (Helianthus annuus). Journal of Ecology 95: 851-864
Moody-Weis, J.M. and J.S. Heywood. 2001. Reproductive limitation in the Missouri Evening Primrose (Oenothera macrocarpa). American Journal of Botany. 88 (9): 1615 – 1622.
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